We have only yet begun!

I realized it has been over 7 months since last I blogged here. Most of our updates have gone out in the form of Facebook and G+ posts; quick and easy updates to let you know what we’re up to… but how about a nice recap since the last post to bring you all up …

Some recent changes…

You may have noticed a recent change here and around our other social spaces… and it’s a pretty big change to be sure: we are on the tail end of the process to update our business name in efforts to avoid potential trademark issues. But don’t fret, we’re still the same startup, in the same …

Getting closer…

As the year has progressed we’ve been baby-stepping our way through the various licensing requirements at the federal and local levels. The bad news is that the federal shutdown in early October has delayed our approvals more than anticipated, but the good news is that we are well on our way to see approvals come …

A brief update: Looking forward with excitment

The new year has started off like gangbusters. With the addition of Corey to the LLC articles and operating agreement, some substantial equipment purchased (including our two new stills, set for delivery in May), and various licensing work still underway, we’re busier than ever. We’re looking at being on property June 1 and setting up …